another Saturday rolls around...

Today I swam 50 lengths in the Olympic sized pool - only stayed in for an hour so feel fairly happy with my achievement (not bad for someone who couldn't swim to save herself only a couple of months ago)! (patting myself on the back here). Delivered two of my artworks to the exhibition venue for Queens Birthday weekend Womans Art in Gisborne. Looking forward to viewing all the other entries - mine are shown here (i.e., if I remember how to upload a pic)!

Spent today with some friends who were looking after their dying father. He hasn't long to go but felt that it was the place to be today (all 3 of us mooching about). I made a huge pot of watercress soup and Johnny (the soon to be departed) ate at least half a bowl of it. We are forever hopeful that he will survive but he is becoming very weak. From a really vibrant and funny, comedian type person to a frail, weary and oh so thin man - good ol big C strikes again. We all thought he would die of alcohol poisoning (he's been drinking solidly for years). We'll cruise on back there tomorrow to see if we can be of any assistance. At times like these its nice to know you have friends around to support - and I've told the family that if they want us to go away then that's fine. I think they enjoyed the company and the joke we were sharing and of course they especially lapped up the watercress soup (esp' coz Ingrid keeps burning everything she cooks)!! Tsk tsk - had to put that in.

I may end up painting tomorrow (Sunday) - feel the urge to create something spectacular and large and more vibrant than the last two. Received my new book from and am sooooo happy - as I am too busy to go to workshops and learn from other people I have to rely on books and all that reading and viewing wonderful art pieces. I still do not know what I prefer painting. Am looking forward to using some various other texture based mediums - may have to wait until I give up work though.

Am getting tired now so will skip off to bed (crawl more like) and think about that lovely feeling of weightlessness in the swimming pool - man, that was such the best part of my day today! (oh and delivering the artworks to the Lindauer - can sign off on those two for now at least). Nite nite

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