An update from the Coast....

Wow - so much been happening in this neck of the woods since my last dribble. Yup, I know, slack bum but life takes over sometimes. spring is upon us coasties and the weather is just drop dead gorgEous. Plenty of blue skies and sunshine - but of course, we all know, we will still be given a final dollop of really cold and wet stuff - we always get this false spring (as my dh calls it). He should know - he's seen enough of them! (tsk tsk). We are in the process of adding an extra storey on our place - lots of builders, plumbers, blockies etc that come and go - I liken it to a finely tuned orchestra (that is, when they are here)! amazing just what goes into building - I have never really appreciated what these blokes to. I just make the tea and scones! Nah, I am right in their faces these days because I truly am impressed by what they do. Takes me away from my art though. Speaking of which, the new addition is to be my studio so I better keep my big mouth closed and not fuss too much - otherwise my dh will want to convert it into a bar (not that I mind that also). My thinking is that upstairs can be utilised for whatever - so long as I get to have my easel and paints and a gorgeous view of the pacific ocean to inspire me. Come 5 pm I put all that stuff away and out comes the chardy!

I guess I should add in some of my latest... the artwork on here is way old and needs replacing. I have been a little stuck on my fencepost - my cousin already has her dibs on this one - even chosen what wall it should go on so I better not disappoint her. My Dip in Social Work is over (I think). I handed in my final assignment last week and haven't heard whether or not its a pass - oh puuulllleeeeze let it be the end! Three years and I am so over study and all that mumbo jumbo I had to pull together to make sense - and some of it still doesn't. In the real world I know that a lot of the words I slung together are just that - words. I have worked among some that wouldn't have the foggiest what I was on about - and that's the staff! The clients were so much more on to it. Anyway, I don't wish to be a social worker - my dream (one day) would be to be a youth counsellor.

Well, no good wasting a darned good day - I will go pull some plants outta my garden - feel inspired to create a new one and to clear away some rocks etc so the builders can stomp around without injuring themselves. Will take some snaps soon and post on here - then whomever wants to have a sneak preview can.

Oh - I didn't sell anything at the NZ Affordable Art Show this year - and I ended up selling a couple after the Womans Art event. I have today donated a Poppy Power painting to aid CANTEEN here on the Coast, and my artwork I donated for Art Aid Trust was also sold ($500) towards charity. I would love to know who purchased that one, I keep a record of where my pieces end up (not that they will always stay in the one place). Have to wonder if any other artists do this. I keep records of everything - even the hours the builders etc are here! Mmmm, my dh thinks I'm a nut doing this but hey, I'm allowed to be!

Onwards I go otherwise there will be nada done today!! Ciao

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