its been too long since I popped in here and updated

this site. A bit slack of me I reckon. Life has become very very busy and at least I'm grabbing a little piece of quiet (or thought I had - my wee man has just spat the dummy coz I won't take him to the beach)! Darn it.... might have to scoot from here very soon.

Loads has happened - have painted oodles of new artwork and am in the midst of a major work and am truly just not happy with it - looks like one of those pieces that takes months to achieve the result I want. Oh dear, now dh has arrived also. Truly I will get to complete a couple of sentences I promise myself!
Colour me Jazz is a series I am doing - I am up to about number 4 - (I called it Pizzazz) - they are going out the door fairly quickly - although this one I intend to hold on to. It looks good in my entranceway (have moved it). These colourful pieces are a combination of me listening to the sounds of Lenny Kravitz and others and being taken away by the moment - its just me, my music and my paints - terrific when I get to spend time like this locked up in my new studio.

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