Sunday oh Sunday!

Have sent the lil guy off to his room for time out whilst I endeavour to complete (in relative quiet) another artwork. Here's the bones of it to began with me thinking about autumn and not looking forward to winter thereafter but the colours autumn gives us are just astounding - such a myriad. In fact me thinks I will call it just that! Not much to report this week - fairly uneventful. Lots of firsts though because of the new school - first soccer practice (omg I am not a good mother! Me and one other screaming on the sidelines and its only the trials!) Shoot - but I'm going to need a band around my gob b4 I ever watch any real games. So proud of my lil guy - he scored a goal - even though it was only a practice!!!! My nerves were slightly frayed though - nearly 150 kids surrounding us on a small field - wondered if they had homes to go to! Lots of parents there too with their other offspring - was going to give up wine this week for a lil while but after that fiasco at the field um, needed to have a slurp at 5pm (only one mind)!! I am doing this for health reasons - plus I'm walking again (for fitness and weight loss). Bring it on!

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